A team approach to your health
If you are tired of feeling sick and tired, be proactive in understanding and improving your health and how you move into your future. Work with a team of experienced female practitioners who have joined their skills to support you. Launching this month, we are proud to join forces to bring you a unique opportunity to discuss your health and to move forward towards a vibrant version of yourself.
Receive answers and treatments from three highly experienced health professionals who will share their unique strategy and tools to help you better understand your health and collaborate to help you achieve your desired outcome. Reset your nervous system and start to heal and reduce your inflammation markers. The main driver of dis-ease is stress causing inflammation. We will give you strategies and techniques to take control of your health.
Inflammation Testing
Are you sick quite often? Experiencing brain fog, joint pain, dull skin, or you are simply exhausted and depleted?
Book now for your 30 minute consultation and test for silent inflammation to find out how to help your long term health.
With inflammation being the root cause of every chronic disease, take a test-based approach to restore balance. Learn how you can correct your inflammatory markers in just 120 days including data from 1.3 million fatty acid profiles.
Using Zinzino Balance Oil (Omega-3 + Polyphenols) as a very powerful anti inflammatory intervention tool, discuss how you too can achieve a measurable change at the cell membrane level to put a brake on your inflammatory cascade.
Consultations are available at Calm Spa and Skin, 1100 High St, Armadale, Melbourne or online with home test kits.
Tania Delahoy
Tania Delahoy is your “health detective” from Haemanalysis, helping you and your health care team put the pieces of your health jigsaw together. Tania is an integrative medical scientist, with over 25 years’ experience and will give you answers to your chronic health concerns.
Receive a 1-hour microscopic blood analysis and pathology review with full reporting.
Tania uses specialised testing including microscopic blood analysis which looks at a range of health parameters including leaky gut, immune function and inflammation, low level infections, liver and cardio-vascular health and balance of essential nutrients. It is very sensitive and can pick up indicators of subtle, early changes which may lead to a more serious health state. Plus, it gives you and your health care team valuable information and direction, because we are all about preventative medicine.
Tania also helps make sense of all your pathology test results, particularly if you don’t feel well and know something is not quite right.
Dr Mychelle Whitewood
Dr Mychelle Whitewood from Utopia Health Centre is a fully qualified and registered Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with over 25 years’ experience. In a 1-hour consultation, we will focus on diet and practical self-care tools that can be implemented immediately. Dr Mychelle’s treatments include acupuncture, shiatsu, Indian head massage, energy healing, herbal medicine, and supplements to support a holistic approach and float therapy protocol.
Leonie Tilley
Leonie Tilley from Long Live You is a Lymphascial Reset Protocol ™️ practitioner and Advanced Movement Coach. She provides a relaxing 1.5-hour treatment that has been described as ‘better than a massage!’ This treatment modality was created in 2019 and combines lymphatic system and vagus nerve stimulation, as well as myofascial (connective tissue) release.
Based on the premise of healing, both the lymphatic and myofascial systems have remarkable potential to stimulate and unlock a body that has been trapped physically, chemically, emotionally, or even immunologically. Leonie has 8 years’ experience in helping people to move, live and feel better in their bodies. Participants can expect a gentle and passive treatment, although some movement is required in order to help move fluid around the body.
Understanding your blood works and energy flow from a Chinese Medicine theory and stimulating your lymphatic system and releasing connective tissue will have a profound effect and can set you on the better path towards a healthier version of you.
The float tank enhances all of these therapies, calming the nervous system, improving blood flow and circulation throughout the entire body and aiding lymphatic drainage and detoxification. The zero gravity allows for the deepest relaxation humanely possible, giving 90% of the brain’s computation a much-needed rest.
We want you to feel totally supported in your health journey with a collaborative approach. This unique opportunity brings together over 50 years of combined experience from three passionate practitioners and will deliver a comprehensive and informative frame work to better understand your health.
See this as a discovery adventure into feeling and moving with more grace and ease in yourself.
$600 Offer
This incredible offer is available ONLY through Water Temple Floatation and Holistic Health and includes 3 separate diagnostic sessions and a 60 min float.
Our opening offer is just $600 and if you purchase now, you will also receive a BONUS 25 ml Salt Sole and a Magnesium Oil Spray.